Sunday, August 23, 2009

Some other benefits of Twitter..

I'm now following a variety of people - some from our class, (no friends - none of mine use Twitter), some other random interesting twitter sites, a celebrity (Ashton Kutcher), Kevin Rudd (is it really Kevin Rudd?), and many of the suggested IKM gurus. My main page is now flooded! Does that mean I am to log in as much as I can to keep updated??

In looking further into Twitter and the possiblities out there of following people related to a particular profession or area, I believe that Twitter can provide the benefit of being up to date with the very latest. I heard on the radio the other day that some news items are posted first on Twitter before they reach other sites and cable news stations. Insiders, witnesses etc. have that ability of letting the world know things before they reach the Channel 7 news update on TV.

Yes, Twitter can be used for stalking , but for businesses, many benefits can come from the use of Twitter. My local Library wasn't easy to find. They use a pseudonym! I found them through the search function as Yarra Plenty Regional Library doesn't come up in the username search. There are only 39 people following the whole organisation..Is that a worry? I'm guessing they're mostly made up of employees that were asked to join! They area also on my Facebook account and I can see how such an organisation can publicise events. Other organisations can do something similar to keep their clients informed. It's just another avenue (and cost effective way) for them to keep connected with their customers. Money can be saved by promoting online and you can reach a large amount of people.

So now that I follow YPRL, I find it to be useful as it's my local library and I may be interested at an event that they post up there. I no longer need to physically go to the library to see their posters up or the YPRL website. It's all fed through my twitter updates like all the rest. Very neat!

I'm all Twittered out now! And this is time consuming. Can I add one more benefit to Twitter? --- saves TIME! You can say what you want to say without all the blabbering on on blogging sites like this. And honestly, I think Twitter is more user friendly than this Blogger site. Following just seems so much more easier there than here.

A cool site that I found called Twitip which is a blog of a guy in Melbourne who came up with 5 benefits to Twitter in his experience. Address:
Heaps of comments are at the bottom where people share what they think about Twitter and how it's benefited them!


  1. Your point about the yarra twitter - it's still early days of some web 2.0 stuff, give it time to grow I guess.

  2. I think that it's a great idea that local libraries like yours are using Twitter to reach out to the youth of today who are heavily relying on technology to do everything

  3. thanks! yeah - looks like we're heading that way with more and more people joining these social networking sites....

    I can't believe the amount of older people now on Facebook! My MUM is now on Facebook :S
