Monday, August 3, 2009

Losing track

In my quest to find an interesting blog out of the list given, I came across one which got my side tracked into reading and reading the many postings in "TechCrunch"
My first impression was "This isn't a blog, it's some sort of news service on technology"...This is because of the countless posts from today and yesterday alone. (The first thing I look at is the date to see how current it is...if it isn't regularly updated - I get bored already and don't read it).

TechCrunch calls itself a 'weblog' with a number of authors or contributors. Reading the posts distinguishes them from regular news articles as they generally have a personal almost journal-like feel with more opinions and thoughts. It also allows readers to ask questions and give feedback on posts, which often open into debates such as the latest post about the rivalry between Google and Microsoft. TechCrunch covers a wide range of topics in online technology from the latest hit iPhone apps, to legal issues with Facebook, to new features with Google Image Search. Many blogs include Youtube video attachments and images/logos/screenshots which make the site more interactive. Another helpful feature for people like me is that after each blog, an area provided by the site gives background information about the companies which are discussed in the blog with a link to that site. This means that if there's an article about the war between Google and Microsoft, it will include links to those two sites and a brief description on each site.

A very interesting site if you're into the latest in web technology :)


  1. Hey the site you provide is cool. Its interactive, has a lot of new interesting blogs to read and talks about really cool softwares.

    Hey I invite you to explore O'Reillys' work.
    there are very interesting publications and forum discussions to read about the world of technology.

    Try come back to this site for the next few weeks task cos i reckon it will be useful.
    My opinion as for long term its useful to be updated with this site so join O'Reilly on facebook or something [look on the right side of the page]

    Awesome job Jason. :)

    Anne Dao

  2. okay cool...ill take that into account :)

  3. Hey I just checked out the link and it's pretty cool. A new perspective of the changing tech.

    Great work Jay

  4. thanks guys! Yeah I liked that site...I really want to choose sites that I find interesting coz I really find this whole assignment interesting (thank God)!
