Thursday, August 20, 2009

Reviewing Twitter, exciting or not?

Well Twitter is quite exciting with its 140 limit with characters. But other than that I don't see what the hype is all about. Unless you like to follow celebrities and people that are "out of reach", it appears that Twitter is not all that exciting.

I'm sure it is a challenge for people who talk a lot (like Anne) to use Twitter. What tends to happen is that these people send post after post of these 'comments' which flood the screen. Within 5 minutes, you're screen is full of ANNE comments and you have to read them all to find which is intended for you. Plus reading them all gives the reader an idea of what's on that persons mind. A little disturbing when some people devote a tutorial to more than following the Tutor Huan, but pretty much stalking.

This worries me with the issues of privacy and harassment. I'm sure there are ways to block/delete or settings to control who follows you, but I have yet to explore these at this stage. But the problem is, the default is for people to follow whoever they want, which in real life doesn't happen unless you're stalking them. Things can get out of hand and if you're a celebrity and someone doesn't like you and follows you, you wouldn't want the world to see this. Next thing you know there'll be something in the magazines or the news about someone famous getting stalked or harassed. If it happens to celebrities, I'm pretty sure it can happen to ordinary people too.

Anyway one thing's for sure...I like Facebook better! It supports the features I enjoy more such as galleries..and I find it more user friendly = exciting and fun!

Twitter is like Facebook but a simpler and more basic version. I can use it but don't know if I'll really get hooked. Hardly any of my contacts use Twitter and until they do, I doubt I'll be using it as often as Facebook..

Is Twitter the future of Social Networking? Are things going to get more basic? I'm happy to go along with it (if i must), if Facebook dies. This happened already with Myspace. I guess these sites aren't made to last forever...

Any thoughts guys?


  1. I like how you delved into the idea that these sites have life in relation to the amount and kind of other social sites out there. Similar to how the more complex a society becomes the more likely it is to collapse. Whoa did I just blow my mind? :x

  2. Sal I like that. Comparing Social Networking / Blogging / Microblogging to real society is interesting.

    In a way too, these sites bringing the world and people closer together right? But also, are they making us more reliant on communicating online with our friends rather than in person?

  3. The whole point isn't to make us reliant, its to show us there is a way to communicate when the conventional means cant be used. :)

  4. Well social networking is getting as close to real society right now and it is developing quite rapidly. There will be new ways of communication between people. So in regards to Sal's post... I totally agree!
