Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wrapping up about Twitter

Since the use of Twitter was a major compontent (took up the most time) for this assignment, I've decided to reflect back and wrap up my experiences about it.

I have logged in every few days, only to be flooded (i hate that) with status updates or 'tweets' which are in my opinion mostly garbage! It's supposed to be "what are you doing?" but the stuff that gets put up there are totally unrelated and uninteresting. I even added a beach background to try and spruce up my profile and make using Twitter more exciting for me. It didn't help that much though!

I have enjoyed following certain famous people and seeing what they're up to in their showbiz lifestyles. Can't say the same for the IKM people I have followed though. Most of their tweets use up the maximum amount of characters allowed and appear as big blobs on the screen!

I came across an article today which states that Facebook (which I very much prefer) helps cognitively, whereas Twitter does the opposite. Here's what the article mentions:
"It hones the ability to remember information and to use it, known as "working memory.""
"...text messaging, microblogging on Twitter and watching YouTube were likely to weaken "working memory."
"On Twitter you receive an endless stream of information, but it's also very succinct... you don't have to process that information. You're attention span is being reduced and you're not engaging your brain and improving your nerve connections."

-Dr Tracy Alloway, University of Stirling

I think these are enough reasons and signs that I've been getting that point to my conclusion that Twitter is not all that good, unless you're interested in following particular people in a particular field to know what's going on in their minds.

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