Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Ultimate Reflection

I'm quite sad that this is coming to an end! The time that went into the exploration of the weekly tasks and blogging was sure worth it.

The weekly tasks have been an interesting range of things that I find taught me both the personal uses and possibilities for these web technologies to be used in a professional setting, including in businesses. I'm sure my blogs reflected how much I enjoyed exploring each task, showing what I have learnt and discovered as either helpful or not. I've given reasons where possible and asked for feedback from my group members. After this assignment, I may not use all the tools such as Google Reader, Delicious, Twitter, however I feel more confident knowing what they can do and offer.

I believe that knowledge of these tools is quite important at the moment as a student becoming an informational professional. I think to be aware at this stage of what is out there is helpful, but it is most important to stay aware of the new web technologies that continue to emerge. What I am trying to say is to keep updated is very important! This course 'Knowledge Management Technologies' has made me realise that.

Tasks were at an understandable level and the guides on the Learning Hub were most helpful. I was able to complete the tasks without consulting my group members. I did act as a person to come to for certain tasks in our group. My only struggle was the social aspect of the task. At times I felt effort was being put in for such a small audience. I may make my blog public after it is assessed to hopefully gain exposure to other people and receive some feedback and more insights from others.

I find the assessment criteria are suitable, however it can be difficult to interact, such as in my case when members are not coordinated in the weekly tasks. I think it is important that from the beginning it is stressed that tasks are completed each week so as to not disadvantage other group members. Keeping up with group member's blogs in the night before has been a stressful experience. These factors I believe should be taken into account individually. That was all that I felt was lacking - the interaction as a workgroup to solve problems. I felt more problems could have been put as tasks for us to solve together as groups through blogging.

Aside from that, this blog will not be neglected - it will have a future! I'll make it public and use it as a journal that I keep of my thoughts relating to IKM on going until God knows when!

Thanks Group - Nancy, Anne & Sal!

Wrapping up about Twitter

Since the use of Twitter was a major compontent (took up the most time) for this assignment, I've decided to reflect back and wrap up my experiences about it.

I have logged in every few days, only to be flooded (i hate that) with status updates or 'tweets' which are in my opinion mostly garbage! It's supposed to be "what are you doing?" but the stuff that gets put up there are totally unrelated and uninteresting. I even added a beach background to try and spruce up my profile and make using Twitter more exciting for me. It didn't help that much though!

I have enjoyed following certain famous people and seeing what they're up to in their showbiz lifestyles. Can't say the same for the IKM people I have followed though. Most of their tweets use up the maximum amount of characters allowed and appear as big blobs on the screen!

I came across an article today which states that Facebook (which I very much prefer) helps cognitively, whereas Twitter does the opposite. Here's what the article mentions:
"It hones the ability to remember information and to use it, known as "working memory.""
"...text messaging, microblogging on Twitter and watching YouTube were likely to weaken "working memory."
"On Twitter you receive an endless stream of information, but it's also very succinct... you don't have to process that information. You're attention span is being reduced and you're not engaging your brain and improving your nerve connections."

-Dr Tracy Alloway, University of Stirling

I think these are enough reasons and signs that I've been getting that point to my conclusion that Twitter is not all that good, unless you're interested in following particular people in a particular field to know what's going on in their minds.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Finding a cool mashup

Now I know what a mashup is! It's an application on the web which combines data from multiple external sources. And in my exploration of the various mashups which are out there. I've discovered that Google's services: Google Maps & Youtube are quite common with the applications out there. From what I can see as well, they have been around for the last few years but most commonly used in the United States. Most applications are US Based and for people in the US. Not much use to us here!!
The Programmable Web website has a list of a whole lot of these apps which were created by programmers using JavaScript programming (good grief - I'll never succeed in such a thing!). I did attempt a programming course in object oriented programming using Java and realised it was beyond my capabilities. Hence, I doubt I would ever try creating my own mashup! Going by the number of useless mashups out there, you'd have to really know your thing to create a good mashup.

In the Programmable Web website, it's interesting to see the all time tags used for the mashups.
Here they are:

Mapping is the most common tag used, and so I thought that since I enjoy maps myself, I find a mashup that interests me which includes maps.

I went to the 2nd most popular mapping mashup application called Flash Earth. It's a mashup of different map services - including Google Maps, Yahoo Maps & NASA Satellite images. Looking at our planet and zooming into places facinates me, especially with the use of NASA Satellite images that are updated daily and so clear. I can't however zoom in as much as I'd like to! I think I'll stick to Google Earth for that. But for a mashup of comparing images, it does a good job.

Here are some images I captured of Australia:

Yahoo Maps:

Microsoft Virtual Earth:


Others might not find this as amazing as I do! But I wanted to choose a mashup that was popular in the most used category of mashups. This would be more of a recreational thing for me, not to help me in any particular purpose. I'm sure there are mashups out there that can help information managers, particularly those who need to assist clients in finding places, with the use of maps and information about the places i.e mashup of Google Maps and Wikipedia or another site perhaps.

Maybe my group members will discover one they find useful that will shock me! But honestly, just like there's alot of garbage on the net, there's also alot of garbage with the mashups. I wouldn't use most of them for anything!

Next I'll be wrapping up this assignment. It has been great so far. A learning experience, despite my knowing a few of these Web 2.0 tools, however working in a group and in class has given me insights into the uses of these tasks as a whole. I will share them in my next blog! Hope my group members will catch up ---!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Asian Triangle Trip

My last holiday was in June-July of this year. I go on holidays whenever I can and this time I just happened to go to Singapore, Manila then Bangkok. I've been to Manila and Bangkok before, but it was my first time to be outside of Singapore Airport. Totally loved the place.

Here's the route I took on my 3 week trip using the lines feature on Google Maps:

View My Last Holiday in a larger map

Here's some pictures from Singapore:

Main Temple in Chinatown

The Merlion Fountain
The Singapore Flyer

The Fountain of Wealth

Here are some photos from Manila:
Calesa rides:

Manila's old Walled City: Intramuros

Embassy Superclub - the place to club
Manila Bay behind the Mall Of Asia:

Official Promotional Video for Manila

Here are some photos from Bangkok:

The Leaning Buddha
Temples in Bangkok:
Golden Mount Temple:

Video I took from Golden Mount, showing view of Bangkok:

I had a great time at all places, especially Singapore which I thought would be boring. Enjoyed the Singapore Flyer. There's so much more to be explored in Singapore. It really makes for a good stopover to other places. The Temples in Thailand are beautiful. I find them an interesting form of art. The freedom I have in the Philippines is unexplainable. I just feel so at home and at peace when I'm there.

Blogging can be fun when sharing travel stories with photos and videos! I think I'll make a travel blog for my trip at the end of this year - keeps my friends and family informed digitally because they always wonder where I am!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Playing around with Google Maps

I've actually used Google Maps a number of times before. I just love working with maps, and seeing what's out there. Geography was something I wanted to persue in Year 12, but it wasn't on offer that year :(

But anyway, I've learnt how to make my own map on Google Maps and I've embedded it here!

View My First Google Map in a larger map

I decided to do a map of my suburb - Mill Park. I've spent a significant amount of time in my life living here, although I wouldn't say that this is where I've spent most of my life living. I've lived in many other areas of Melbourne too. I quite enjoyed the features it offers, such as placing landmarks. I've placed landmarks on important/significant places for me in the area. I decided to keep my map private. I didn't want my house to be shown to the public! I think that's an important feature of Google Maps, as it gives the option to make things public or private.

Now I'm off to work, I shall do another map of my own showing where I last went for a holiday....OOHH I'm excited. I loved my past holidays and can't wait to share it with you in one blog!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Twitter just got me thinking....

It's the mid-semester break and I'm thinking about Twitter! I just realised that people can be followed without being accepted or having to confirm that you know each other like in other Social Networking websites. This is a unique feature of Twitter because being able to connect with others so easily (whoever you like who's a member), allows you to be exposed to all the possibilities and opportunities out there in a different way to help yourself in some way. If you're purpose/interest is to keep up with the latest celebrity gossip, you can do it on Twitter. If you're looking for a job in a particular field, or events, you'd be following the people "in the know" as Nancy in my group put's it - which can be like a form of pooling of information. A connection of minds, and spreading the word in an efficient way!

This is how I think all people can benefit from the use of Twitter (if only more people would join up and use it frequently!) This is what makes Twitter a more 'informative' means of communicating through its microblogging, as apposed to Facebook for example which has more interactive and social entertainment aspects to it through open commenting, applications and games.